Our Commitment
At Minor Hotels, we are dedicated to sustainable development and corporate responsibility. We recognise that animal welfare is an important part of a responsible food and service supply chain.
We are committed to sourcing 100% of our eggs (shell, liquid and egg products) from cage-free sources for all owned, managed and franchised properties in our portfolio by the end of 2027. We also commit to report on progress annually and commit to translating the policy into all major languages. Minor Hotels’ commitment to the cage-free initiative will have a positive impact on animal welfare and sustainable food sourcing at both the local and global level.
As of December 2021, *30% of eggs sourced globally are from cage-free hens. NH brand hotels in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Denmark are sourcing 100% of their eggs from cage-free hens, totalling 1.5 million eggs per year. We continue to work with The Humane League to accelerate our progress in this issue and will update our figures in early 2023.
* This number does not include NH branded hotels in the Americas (11% of total hotels), or Minor Hotels properties outside of Thailand and Malaysia (35% of total hotels).
Download our commitment in several languages
Minor Hotels supports the implementation of the Convention on the Illegal Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES) and strictly condemns and prohibits any form of trade or promotion of wildlife or wildlife parts or products that is contrary to international and/or domestic law.
To this end Minor Hotels is a signatories of the World Travel & Tourism Council’s Buenos Aires Declaration on Illegal Wildlife Trade.
Minor Hotels is a member of THE CODE, supporting the fight to end the sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism
As a part of Minor Hotels’ commitment to sustainability in all aspects of our operations, we continue to ensure that all our hotels have adopted a Sustainable Seafood policy. The policy guides hotels to procure seafood species from well-managed, sustainable stocks which are not considered to be overexploited. It also promotes purchase of locally produced and caught seafood, and to ensure that methods used are sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Implementing good environmental practices in hotel operations, including using biological resources more sustainably, can result in positive business benefits as well as make an important contribution to biodiversity conservation.