Earn rewards with our loyalty programmes
Minor Hotels Loyalty
Minor Hotels gives you access to our loyalty programmes – Anantara DISCOVERY, Avani DISCOVERY, Elewana DISCOVERY, Oaks DISCOVERY, NH DISCOVERY and Tivoli DISCOVERY– which offer recognition from day one, so your rewards are available to you instantly at all membership levels.
Joining one of our loyalty programmes unlocks exclusive rewards and unique local experiences at over 550 Minor hotels and resorts across six continents. Explore some of the incredible benefits of our loyalty programmes below.
You can instantly start earning D$ with every eligible hotel purchase. Use your D$ toward your stay, room upgrades, dining, beauty treatments or other indulgences. Alternatively, you can save them for your next ideal vacation. 1 D$ will always equal 1 US$ (US Dollar), making it easy to track their value.
What are D$?
When you join any of our loyalty programmes, you’ll immediately start receiving 4% – 7% back in D$ on all eligible purchases every time you visit one of our hotels.
D$1 is always equal to USD 1, so its value is always clear. And keeping tabs on your balance is easy on the GHA DISCOVERY app and website.
How do D$ work?
As a member, you’ll automatically begin earning D$ from your very first stay at any of our hotels. At check-out, just apply your D$ to your bill to cover your indulgences. It’s that easy.
What can you spend D$ on?
Your D$ are yours to spend however you like. Use D$ at our hotels and resorts, from rooms to dining, spa treatments to experiences. Or save up and splurge on a getaway somewhere new. There are many ways to spend your D$.
Member Savings
Book directly with Minor Hotels to save from up to 10% immediately upon joining. Your membership grants you instant access to member-only promotions and curated exclusive offers.
Our hotels offer curated Experiences that are available exclusively to DISCOVERY members, such as guided city tours and wildlife excursions. For those looking to pamper themselves close to home, our Local Offers allow members to enjoy the best our hotels have to offer, with or without a stay.
More Recognition
As you elevate your status with our membership tiers [1], you'll gain distinctive recognition and rewards that unlock more exclusive benefits for future stays. Your rewards extend to over 40 brands across more than 800 hotels within the Global Hotel Alliance, of which Minor Hotels is a part, opening up a world of travel opportunities.
Enjoy exclusive benefits from the moment you join.
- Earn D$ 4 for every USD 100 spent [2]
- 12 months' D$ validity
- Member savings up to 10%
- Exclusive access to Experiences and Local Offers
- Complimentary WiFi
Stay two times or spend USD 1,000 per calendar year.
- Earn D$ 5 for every USD 100 spent [2]
- 18 months’ D$ validity
- Member savings up to 10%
- Exclusive access to Experiences and Local Offers
- Complimentary WiFi
Stay 10 nights, spend USD 5,000 or stay with two brands per calendar year.
- Earn D$ 6 for every USD 100 spent [2]
- 24 months’ D$ validity
- Member savings up to 10%
- Exclusive access to Experiences and Local Offers
- Complimentary WiFi
- Late check-out until 3:00 pm [3]
- Room upgrade [3]
- Local amenity on arrival
Stay 30 nights, spend USD 15,000 or stay with three brands per calendar year.
- Earn D$ 7 for every USD 100 spent [2]
- 24 months' D$ validity
- Member savings up to 10%
- Exclusive access to Experiences and Local Offers
- Complimentary WiFi
- Early check-in from 11:00 am [3]
- Late check-out until 4:00 pm [3]
- Double room upgrade [3]
- Local amenity on arrival
- Guaranteed room availability up to 48 hours [3]
- Status sharing with family and friends
1. Once achieved, tier status remains in effect through December of the following calendar year.
2. For all membership levels: D$ percentage back applies to eligible spend only. Void where prohibited. Terms and conditions apply.
3. Subject to availability.
• NH Hotels, NH Collection and nhow are regarded as a single brand for tier progression purposes.
• Minor Hotels loyalty programmes are part of GHA DISCOVERY. Learn more about the GHA DISCOVERY programmes’ terms and conditions here, and the GHA DISCOVERY privacy policy here. As well as, NH DISCOVERY programme’s terms and conditions here, and the NH DISCOVERY privacy policy here.